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Chidi Igwe, PhD

Manager, Marketing and Communications / Lecturer

Aakash Patel

Project Manager

Marie-France Girardin

Administrative Assistant

Estelle Pessemier

Marketing and Recruitment Officer

Tess Timmermans

Project Coordinator, CNFS

Till Kohlen

Student Success and Community Liaison / Explore Coordinator

Aurélie Labrière

CRFM Coordinator
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À propos

La Cité universitaire francophone constitutes the main hub for French-language university programming, research and services offered at the University of Regina and across the province.

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Pour nous rejoindre

  • La Cité universitaire francophone
    University of Regina
    3737 Wascana Parkway
    Regina (SK) S4S 0A2 CANADA
  • 1-306-585-4828
  • 1-866-214-8097