Receive an assessment of your oral and written French skills. Various language tests are available to La Cité students and members of the public. Select the test best suited to your purpose, whether academic, professional or personal, from the list below.
La Cité’s French Placement Test
If you have already taken a French course at the University of Regina or have some knowledge of French, you are required to take a placement test before enrolling in a course or program in the Department of French and Francophone Intercultural Studies or Bac.
This pre-registration assessment evaluates your written French skills before placing you in the credit course best suited to your level.
Following the test, you will be informed of your results by a member of our team.
Take the Placement Test
- You must take the test before you can enrol in credit courses in French if you have been educated in French or have lived or studied in a French-language environment.
- Students who have never taken French classes may enrol directly in FRN 100.
The test takes approximately 20 minutes, after which the results will be emailed to you within 1 to 3 business days.
Test de français international (TFI™)
La Cité universitaire francophone is one of the official TFI testing centres in Canada. The Test de français international (TFI™) evaluates the French level of non-Francophones. This multiple choice test assesses a candidate’s ability to understand, write and read French as it is used in the international workplace.
For full details on this test, click here. For more information, visit the ACTFL website.
ACTFL proficiency tests are used worldwide by academic institutions, government agencies and private corporations for purposes such as:
- academic placement,
- student assessment,
- program evaluation,
- professional certification,
- hiring, and
- promotional qualification.
ACTFL currently offers a number of options for assessing (interpersonal) speaking, (interpretive) reading and listening and (presentational) writing skills. ACTFL assessments determine functional language ability as described in the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines.
The ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) and the ACTFL Advanced Level Check are conducted and rated by certified ACTFL OPI testers. The ACTFL OPIc is rated by certified OPIc raters, The ACTFL Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) is rated by certified ACTFL WPT raters.
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
If you wish to teach or work abroad, you can receive professional accreditation by passing an ACTFL proficiency test.
ACTFL offers various possibilities to evaluate oral expression (interpersonal) , reading and comprehension (interpretive), and written proficiency (presentational). ACTFL evaluations determine functional language ability. To find out more, visit the ACTFL website.
Are you looking for a test that’s not on the list? Consult our French Training Centre:
Student Service Centre
services.etudiants@uregina.ca | 306-337-3280