The Centre canadien de recherche sur les francophonies en milieu minoritaire (CRFM) at La Cité universitaire francophone, using a multidisciplinary and interinstitutional approach, directs a research program that focuses primarily on the experience of the Fransaskois community while being open to the experience of other Canadian and international Francophone communities seeking to assert their role in a minority environment.
The centre also fosters research that allows for a comparison of the Francophone experience with that of other ethno-cultural minority groups.
The CRFM is committed to a process of university-community engagement.
CRFM Mandate
The CRFM is a research centre whose work takes place in the context of a pioneering approach of interinstitutional and multidisciplinary university-community engagement.
The CRFM develops a research program that focuses primarily on the experience of the Fransaskois community while being open to the experience of other Canadian and international Francophone communities seeking to flourish in a minority environment.
The CRFM also encourages research that allows for a comparison of the Francophone experience with that of other groups in minority environments, as well as research that fosters an understanding of the relationships of the Fransaskois community and the communities with which it interacts.
In 2018, the CRFM adopted a striking new logo to increase its visibility within the university and community spheres. The new logo retains the colours of La Cité to signify its belonging, while adding its own mark:
- the R symbolizes research;
- the left-pointing arrow symbolizes openness and the multiple paths that research can take;
- the colour variations of the R represent the interconnectedness of the university and community spheres;
- the R in CRFM and the word “francophonies" are in red to accentuate the very essence of the CRFM.