The primary purposes of the Advisory Council are to advise and support the Dean of La Cité universitaire francophone and to form a bridge between La Cité universitaire francophone and the community outside the University.
Dr. Emmanuel Aito, Dean, La Cité universitaire francophone
Dr. Jeff Keshen, University of Regina
Gisèle Rivard, Board Member - Francophone School Board, Conseil des écoles fransaskoises
Ronald Labrecque, Executive Director, Assemblée communautaire fransaskoise
Jaclyn Reaves Jacobson, Branch Board Director, Canadian Parents for French Saskatchewan
Rebecca Alao, Student, La Cité universitaire francophone, University of Regina
Government of Saskatchewan – vacant seat
Government of Canada – vacant seat
Terms of Office
Appointments are for three years, initially staggered, except for the student who is appointed for one year.
Each appointment may be renewed once.
Roles and Responsibilities
Support the vision and mandate and activities of La Cité universitaire francophone.
Participate in the vision and mandate process.
Support and advise the Dean, including providing advice related to future direction and opportunities that is responsible to and respectful of budgets, responsive to student demand, and incorporates the reality of French-language education in a minority setting.
Represent La Cité universitaire francophone interests in the community and in doing so maintain close ties with the Fransaskois community.
Participate in the annual SWOT analysis.
Provide input on La Cité’s operational plan.
Provide input on the Performance Measurement Framework.
Receive mid-year and end-of-year reports from the Director; including information on decisions taken by La Cité universitaire francophone - University Committee and Academic Committee.
Annually receive the La Cité universitaire francophone audited financial statement and a review of the status of the academic unit’s budgets.
If you prefer to speak with someone, please email or call the following number to get support.
À propos
La Cité universitaire francophone constitutes the main hub for French-language university programming, research and services offered at the University of Regina and across the province.