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La Cite, University of Regina

La Cité celebrates becoming a full faculty and creating more opportunities for Francophone students

When Beatrice Miranda finished her francophone high school education in 2022 at the École Monseigneur de Laval, she was not sure whether her aspirations for university education in French would be met without having to move to a different province.

Then she learned that La Cité universitaire francophone (La Cité) facilitates the Faculty of Education’s French education program (le Bac en éducation française) dedicated to training French teachers – something she really wanted to be.

“I was glad there was a French education program I could apply for here in Regina. Most of the education I received since elementary was in French, so I became comfortable with learning everything in that language,” said Miranda, now a first-year student of Le Bac at the University of Regina.

Beatrice Mirand, Student, le Bac en éducation française, University of Regina

Beatrice Mirand, Student, le Bac en éducation française, University of Regina

“It’s even more meaningful to me that I can continue my post-secondary studies in French and continue to pass on the Francophone culture and language to the younger generations once I graduate. With La Cité becoming a full faculty, it can only get better because people like me will have more options to study French or even study other things in French,” said Miranda.

For students like Miranda who desire to pursue French education, more opportunities are on their way. On September 1st, La Cité became officially recognized as a full-fledged faculty within the University of Regina enabling it to fulfill the educational needs and aspirations of Saskatchewan’s Francophones. La Cite’s new status was officially celebrated at an event on Friday, October 14, 2022.

La cite

Achieving faculty status will allow La Cite to develop new academic programs in French, leading to new partnerships and a more promising future for post-secondary education in French. La Cité already offers an increasing range of academic programs, including a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Master of Arts (MA), and doctorate (PhD) degree in Francophone and Intercultural Studies.

In the past couple of years, thanks to many partnerships with other faculties and institutions inside and outside the University of Regina, La Cité has expanded its course offerings to include the Faculty of Education’s BA and MA programs in French education, minors in African studies, the Integrated Partway program in Law, and others. La Cité also hopes to develop a new bachelor’s degree program (bilingual option) in social work in partnership with the Faculty of Social Work.

Offered in partnership with the University of Ottawa, the Integrated Pathway in Law allows students to earn a BA in Francophone and Intercultural Studies and a Juris Doctor (JD) within six years. In the first three years, students complete 90 credit hours in French at the University of Regina and in the final three years, they complete 95 credits at the University of Ottawa.

Dr. Emmanuel Aito

Dr. Emmanuel Aito, Dean, La Cité universitaire francophone

“I am grateful to the University administration for clarifying La Cité’s academic and administrative status as a faculty. This repositions us to partner with other faculties and academic institutions to expand access to university education in French. We are building strong partnerships right now, so that in the near future La Cité’s students will be able to enroll in more

Category: Events

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La Cité universitaire francophone constitutes the main hub for French-language university programming, research and services offered at the University of Regina and across the province.

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  • La Cité universitaire francophone
    University of Regina
    3737 Wascana Parkway
    Regina (SK) S4S 0A2 CANADA
  • 1-306-585-4828
  • 1-866-214-8097