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La Cite, University of Regina

Canada and Saskatchewan announce a $7.1 million funding for La Cité universitaire francophone and Collège Mathieu

The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Canada’s Minister for Official Languages, and the Honourable Gordon Wyant, Saskatchewan’s Minister of Advanced Education announced today a $7.1 million funding to support University of Regina’s La Cité universitaire francophone and Collège Mathieu.

According to a joint press release by the two governments, “this funding will enable the construction, renovation and development of post-secondary educational spaces and increase the availability of programs that serve official-language minority communities.”

“I am delighted to announce some key investments for the Fransaskois community today. Our funding goes beyond the renovation of these buildings; it is also intended to strengthen post-secondary institutional capacity and improve services to Saskatchewan’s Francophone minority community,” says Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor. “Our current and future students will be able to benefit from a quality French-language education through a variety of programs, courses and services, while studying in modern facilities that support their academic success.”

La Cite, University of Regina

“Saskatchewan is pleased to support French-language programming offered through our Francophone post-secondary education institutions,” says Minister Gordon Wyant. “It is essential that post-secondary institutions in Saskatchewan are able to offer appropriate learning environments and superior programs that meet the emerging needs of French-language students.”

“The funding announced today is a clear indication of government’s commitment to supporting the development of French in Saskatchewan, given our minority-language context,” says Dr. Emmanuel Aito, Director of La Cité universitaire francophone. “We are grateful for these investments, which will permit the establishment of university programs and several partnerships with faculties at the University of Regina and other Francophone institutions across the country. Without this support, we would not be able to fulfill our mandate.”

La Cite, University of Regina

For more information, please see the news release by the governments.

For questions regarding La Cité and its programs, please contact:

Chidi Igwe
Manager, Marketing and Communications
La Cité universitaire francophone
University of Regina
Phone: 306-540-3681

Category: Community

À propos

La Cité universitaire francophone incarne la plaque tournante de la programmation universitaire, de la recherche et des services offerts en français à l’Université de Regina et à l’échelle de la province.

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  • La Cité universitaire francophone
    Université de Regina
    3737 Wascana Parkway
    Regina (SK) S4S 0A2 CANADA
  • 1-306-585-4828
  • 1-866-214-8097