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Mineure en traduction

Minor in Translation (18 Credits)

In a rapidly globalizing world, intercultural communication is essential, and translators play a key role. Contrary to popular belief, bilingualism alone is not enough to ensure quality translation. Acquiring specific translation skills is essential to becoming a skilled professional. This program meets the growing market demand, particularly in Saskatchewan, where the Francophone community is significant.


Program Objectives

This program aims to:

  • Introduce students to the professions of translator and interpreter.
  • Develop fundamental translation skills.
  • Promote greater participation in intercultural communication.


Admission Requirements

  • Meet the admission requirements of La Cité universitaire francophone at the University of Regina (open to students from all faculties).
  • Have an intermediate-level knowledge of French (ideally FRN 300).
  • Have an intermediate-level knowledge of English.
  • A placement test may be required before enrolling in the first course.
  • Students must complete this minor alongside a bachelor's degree.


Program Details

The Minor in Translation is an introduction to translation, ideal for individuals interested in language professions but with an intermediate level of bilingualism in English and French. It consists of 6 courses:

  • 4 translation courses
  • 2 language courses

Total: 18 credits


Course List

Mandatory Courses (12 credits)

  1. FRN 250AH - Introduction to Translation / Initiation à la traduction (3 credits)
    • Understanding the basics of translation: definitions, types of translation, processes, meaning analysis, and reformulation.
    • Prerequisite: FRN 300 or permission from the PEFI chair.
  2. FRN 350AG - General Translation / Traduction générale (3 credits)
    • In-depth study of stylistic and editorial aspects of translation, fidelity to the source text, theoretical foundations.
    • Prerequisite: FRN 250AH; FRN 301 or permission from the PEFI chair.
  3. FRN 350AH - Introduction to Terminology / Initiation à la terminologie (3 credits)
    • Fundamental concepts of theoretical and applied terminology, research tools, terminology databases.
    • Prerequisite: FRN 301 or permission from the PEFI chair.
  4. FRN 450AG - CAT Tools for Translators / Les outils de TAO (3 credits)
    • Introduction to translation software (SDL Trados, MemoQ, Wordfast Anywhere).
    • Prerequisite: FRN 301 and 6 credits at the 300 level, or permission from the PEFI chair.

Elective Courses (6 credits): Choose 2 from the following

  • FRN 301 - Épanouissement II
  • FRN 236 - Structure du français moderne
  • FRN 330AB - Canadian French Varieties / Variétés du français canadien
  • FRN 352 - Critical Reading and Writing / Lecture et écriture critiques


Student Support

  • Flexible schedule: The minor can be completed in 3 or 4 semesters.
  • Available scholarships: $500 for students taking at least 3 courses in French per semester.
  • Access to the Student Services Center: Free tutoring, academic advising, employability support.
  • Mentorship and networking: Opportunities for work and internships in Canada and abroad.

For inquiries:


Enrollment Procedures


Apply for Admission

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À propos

La Cité universitaire francophone constitutes the main hub for French-language university programming, research and services offered at the University of Regina and across the province.

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  • La Cité universitaire francophone
    University of Regina
    3737 Wascana Parkway
    Regina (SK) S4S 0A2 CANADA
  • 1-306-585-4828
  • 1-866-214-8097