Le mois de févier sera chargé en événements!
Check out our February events and happenings! Events are free unless otherwise indicated!


27 février

18h à Gymnase 2

Inscrivez-vous: http://ca.apm.activecommunities.com/uregina/Activity_Search/10039

"drop ins" sont les bienvenues-- vous n'avez pas besoin de venir à toutes les cours d'y participer -- venez quand vous pouvez!

PRENDS TA PLACE À REGINA est de retour en mars!

Venez-vous amuser et jaser avec nous au début du mois de mars. Alors noté le 1er mars à vos calendriers parce qu'on s'en va faire du BOWLING ensemble et en français!

1er mars


Si vous avez des questions svp, n'hésitez pas à contacter christina.chaisson@uregina.ca 
Don't hesitate to contact christina.chaisson@uregina.ca in case you had any questions!


Conference PEP #3 (CNFS)

Nov 26, 2015


(Please note that all the conferences are offered in French only)

Children’s and teenagers’ experiences in the context of domestic violence: Improving understanding to intervene more efficiently

November 26th, 2015
10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 
Presenter: Simon Lapierre
Associate professor, School of Social Work, University of Ottawa

During this conference, we will present the main results of a study conducted with Franco-Ontarian and Quebecer children and teenagers living in the context of domestic violence. This participative research, of a qualitative nature, aimed at improving understanding of the diverse and complex experiences these children and teenagers go through, from their own point of view. In addition, data from this study allowed for the identification of approaches for intervening in the fields of health and social services, in order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and teenagers.

To register, please contact​ Isabelle Charbonneau

For further information, contact: 

Jeanne Dumas 
Consultante, Projet du CNFS 
La Cité universitaire francophone
Université de Regina 

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