Le mois de févier sera chargé en événements!
Check out our February events and happenings! Events are free unless otherwise indicated!


27 février

18h à Gymnase 2

Inscrivez-vous: http://ca.apm.activecommunities.com/uregina/Activity_Search/10039

"drop ins" sont les bienvenues-- vous n'avez pas besoin de venir à toutes les cours d'y participer -- venez quand vous pouvez!

PRENDS TA PLACE À REGINA est de retour en mars!

Venez-vous amuser et jaser avec nous au début du mois de mars. Alors noté le 1er mars à vos calendriers parce qu'on s'en va faire du BOWLING ensemble et en français!

1er mars


Si vous avez des questions svp, n'hésitez pas à contacter christina.chaisson@uregina.ca 
Don't hesitate to contact christina.chaisson@uregina.ca in case you had any questions!


Conference PEP #2 (CNFS)

Nov 4, 2015


(Please note that all the conferences are offered in French only)

Psychosocial treatments for children and teenagers with ADHD: Current controversies and empirical evidence

November 4th, 2015
Dr. Sébastien Normand, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Professor, Department of Psychoeducation and Psychology, Université du Québec en Outaouais
Director, Interdisciplinary Research Program on Children’s Mental Health
Researcher, Institut de recherche de l’Hôpital Montfort, Équipe de recherche sur les pairs et la prévention/Research unit on children’s psychosocial maladjustment
Pediatric psychologist, Pediatric Clinic, Hôpital Montfort

Disorder attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic neurodevelopmental disorder that affects approximately 5% of children and teenagers around the world. ADHD is associated with serious and harmful long-term consequences for children, as well as their families and society as a whole. Although medication is usually effective in treating ADHD, it presents some limits that need to be recognized (e.g. parents preferring psychosocial treatments, low adherence among teenagers, low effectiveness for some functions and side effects). Over the past forty years, various psychosocial treatments have been developed for ADHD (e.g. parental programs, behaviour management in the classroom, cognitive training, neuro-feedback, organizational programs, etc.). This conference mainly aims at summarizing controversial aspects and empirical evidence related to psychosocial treatments for ADHD. We will also review characteristics of treatments, patients and measures that influence therapeutic effectiveness. This will be followed by a discussion on the implications for health professional training and the organization of health care. Finally, a few examples of evidence-based psychosocial treatments for ADHD among youth will be presented.

To register, please contact Isabelle Charbonneau, cnfsmft@uottawa.ca.

For further information, contact: 

Jeanne Dumas 
Consultante, Projet du CNFS 
La Cité universitaire francophone
Université de Regina 

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